
UKCAdeclaration Matched route

Route Parameters

Name Value

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /kategories/1/produkty/N001-K0003-RF930-H5-G23-ZA01-250-S1-AA3/UKCA
# Route name Path Log
1 addToBasket /addToBasket/{id} Path does not match
2 checkBasket /checkBasket/ Path does not match
3 ajaxTest /ajax Path does not match
4 clearBasket /clearBasket Path does not match
5 sendBasket /sendBasket Path does not match
6 import /adm/import Path does not match
7 kategories /kategories/{kategoria} Path does not match
8 kategories_all /kategories/ Path does not match
9 produkty_w_kategorii /kategories/{id}/produkty Path does not match
10 produkt /kategories/{id}/produkty/{slug} Path does not match
11 pdf /kategories/{id}/produkty/{slug}/pdf Path does not match
12 pdfEN /kategories/{id}/produkty/{slug}/pdf_en Path does not match
13 CEdeclaration /kategories/{id}/produkty/{slug}/CE Path does not match
14 plikFoto /kategories/{id}/produkty/{slug}/plikFoto Path does not match
15 UKCAdeclaration /kategories/{id}/produkty/{slug}/UKCA Route matches!

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.